Apr 24, 2015


There is something that roars in my mind every time, every second I breathe, every step I take, every chance I waste, every hope I leave, every life I fight for. We are demanding equal right and justice. But what’s the point of being threatened in justice if there are so many people who misuse its power in the name of justice?
As long as I live in this orphic-God-blessing universe, I have passed so many experiences and of course I do realize (till right now) that there are so many descriptions about ‘right thing’ and ‘wrong thing’.  Can you explain what is wrong and what is right? Which one will you pick? Will you try to read and understand your heart first? Which one will you pick, then? Are you going to assist justice?
We often forget that justice is not about ourselves, justice is about others’ right. All we can do is only doing right thing, the real right thing, because there are so many people who keep doing wrong thing but claiming that it is right for the sake of him/herself. For the sake of being accepted in their out-of-home-life. Which one will you pick, then? Doing right things and being threatened like a shadow or doing ‘right’ things for the sake of your life?
Whatever, I prefer to be a shadow. The shadow of myself. The shadow which will remind me about life and its obstacles. The shadow which will never let me down and never let me be a shadow, indeed. Whatever forever, I am tired of every foolish thing in this world. God, Allah swt., let me gain my equanimity, let me be brave.
Okay, I don't care. Writing nonsense sometimes makes me alive.


  1. how do you know that what you take was right or wrong if ourselves don't even know what right really means?

  2. it's always good to put what u feel into writings :) well, as long as you believe it was right thing to do and u don't harm other people just go with that. talking about justice and injustice, cuma Allah yg bisa berlaku adil, karena setiap manusia memiliki kepentingannya masing-masing. semangat raaan
