Jan 12, 2015

It's not too late, right?

"yang menyertai putus asa mungkin harapan yang salah musim." -Sapardi Joko Damono

Let me correct your statement Mr. Sapardi Joko Damono:

"yang menyertai putus asa mungkin harapan yang salah musim, strategi yang tanpa perhitungan, mental yang tanpa persiapan, ketidakmampuan melawan diri, dan harapan tinggi yang tumpul itu sendiri." -Sapardi Joko Damono & Fitrana Amalia Hafizhah

I used to be the one who never says 'I'm give up' or 'I'm give in',
I used to be that person, and right now, I am still that person.

I will not explain myself further, since I realized that "A person creates her weakness when she talk about herself". It is one of many quotes I got from movies. It's true that we can learn everything, everywhere.

Right now, I know what I must do. I haven't done my best, yet Kartini has done her best. I pledge myself, a great deeds that I will keep hiding it.
I believe that Allah swt will guide me (:

Me - Yashica - Fujicolor Superia 200

NB: Uuuh.. I long for some new natural things.

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